Today, May 21, marks my ninth day of my adventures in Poland and the fifth day in Poznań.
As usual, we began our day by eating breakfast and meeting in the hotel lobby walk to the Collegium Iuridicum Novum. Today, we got to sleep in a little longer than usual, which was nice because many of us had a late night at the bowling club. We presented our project presentations; ours went very smoothly. We were the first group to present, which was a relief because we were able to relax and not worry about it for the morning.
We were the first group to present, which was a relief because we were able to relax and not worry about it for the morning. For our project, we did an analysis of potentially bringing the American outdoor clothing brand Patagonia to Poland. A link to our presentation slides (which are merely a guide and not the actual content) can be found here. After all the teams presented, we dispersed and headed back to the hotel to rest before our farewell lunch at the university at 1:30pm.
Lunch and Dinner
Our lunch at the University consisted of Napoleon cheese soup, pork with tomato sauce, potatoes, kraut, coffee cake, chocolate truffle-like desserts, and coffee. After lunch, we headed back to the hotel and then met to walk to the Old Brewery Mall (Stary Browar) to shop a bit. We explored the mall area for a while and then started to head back to the hotel.
We returned to the hotel at 6:00 to meet for dinner with the Polish students. They took us to a back-alley Italian restaurant named Bar-A-Boo that had a wood-fired pizza oven. We ordered bruschetta and fresh lemonade (with mint leaves) to split, and I and one of the Polish students split a margherita pizza with spicy pepperoni. The food and drinks were excellent.
Sweet Ice Cream and Sad Goodbyes
After dinner, we walked a few blocks away to an ice cream shop called Kolorowa, which according to the students has the best ice cream in Poland. I would have to agree. I ordered a cone with strawberries and cream and Snickers ice cream, and it was incredible.
Poznań, Poland

Fantastic, fresh ice cream.
* – Would definitely visit again
** – Exceptional, must visit if you’re in the area
*** – Worth making a special trip to eat there
After ice cream some students left us to go back to the hotel, but we stayed and went with the students back to the Collegium Iuridicum Novum for a student performing arts night. We saw a poetry slam trio with piano and violin; a freestyle rapper; a jazz orchestra; a duo with a guitarist and a girl singing; and a four piece band consisting of trumpet, ukulele, guitar, and bass. The jazz orchestra actually had two drummers, one of which was a girl and the other was blind — two drumming rarities in one. Another girl joined the orchestra for their final song, and she beautifully sang a smooth-swinging song in English.
After the concert was over, we walked back to the hotel and with great melancholy said goodbye to Viktoria, Marta, and Anna (another girl we had met and befriended). Tomorrow we fly from Poznań to Warsaw and then from Warsaw to Kraków, where we will conclude our journey.