
This page is mostly under construction, but I hope to post some coffee shop reviews eventually. If you’re interested in my brew guides, scroll down.

Coffee Brewing Guides

My V60 01/02/03, Moka Pot, French press, Clever Dripper, and iced coffee “cheat sheets” are all based off of James Hoffmann’s recipes and research. All credit to him; I simply arranged these in a format I find useful. If you’d like to learn more, please buy his book (non-affiliate link), support his Patreon, visit his website, subscribe to his YouTube channel, etc.

V60 Videos
Clever Dripper Videos
Moka Pot and French Press Videos

The espresso guides are my own creation, and are specifically for the Breville Bambino Plus.

If you have a Chemex (I don’t), you can use the Two-Pour Ratio Chart and follow a similar technique to the V60 02/03. According to Hoffmann’s books, all you really need to change is to coarsen your grind size. I don’t own an Aeropress, so no guide for that…yet.

Brewing Guides

Click below to download the guides. All are in PDF format, sized for 5.5″x8.5″ paper. (Sorry non-Americans, maybe I’ll make an A-series version sometime.) I suggest printing on cardstock if you can.

Please remember that while I love a good brew, I’m by no means a coffee expert, nor am I trying to make exhaustive guides, nor have I created the “ultimate” guide to anything. These are just what I have found helpful. If you’d like to make suggestions, please send me a kindly-worded email.


Tip Me

If you enjoyed these guides, first and foremost please support James Hoffmann’s work, as detailed above.

If you appreciate the work I’ve put into this, consider buying me a cup of coffee. PayPal and Venmo links are below. Thank you!

Please Read, and Probably Don't Subscribe

The email subscription signup below is for my travel blog, which I mainly write to keep our extended family updated, and to document our trips. If you don’t care about our family vacations and are just here for the coffee charts, maybe skip that. There will be no interesting coffee content coming to your inbox.